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Frequently Asked Questions


1. General questions

  1. I thought what make a backup copy Windows it is impossible. Is it real?
  2. Why should I use OS Backup Wizard, if I can simply copy or archive folders Windows?

2. Questions about working with the program

  1. At the end of the operation of restoring of backup copy Windows OS Backup Wizard informs, that it is necessary to make reboot of the computer/Windows. Is it necessary?
  2. As far as it is important to check change of file contents?
  3. As far as it is safe to use an option "Do not copy files, existing in previous copy"?
  4. As far as it is safe to use an option "Do not copy files, existing in distribution Windows"?
  5. Why at restoring Windows operations "Restoration... in the temporary folder" can be skipped?
  6. For what needs the element "All new" at a mark of files and folders?
  7. Whether usage of net drives for storage of backup copies is possible?
  8. What parameters of the program are saved in the profile?
  9. For what in Backup Manager are displayed existing copies as tree?
  10. Possible this program to make the copy Windows NT, 2000?
  11. In Backup Manager is displayed the size of restored files 100 MB, though a size of a copy only 5 MB. How is it possible?
  12. Why profile option "Adding the date to the copy name" is always checked?
  13. Why at restoring the unpacking of Windows (Program Files) folder from archive is executed some times?
  14. What does an option "CRC checksum calculation" at backup copying mean?
  15. What do an options "Use of quick restoration of backup copy" and "Checking the checksum of files" at restoring mean?
  16. For that answers the option "Removal of not used files" at restoring?

1. General questions

I thought what make a backup copy Windows it is impossible. Is it real?
 Yes, it is possible. For making a backup copy necessary to copy the folders Windows and Program Files under other name; and for restoring it is necessary to reboot in the mode of emulation DOS and to rename a Windows folder under original name, and Program Files folder loaded in Windows.

Why should I use OS Backup Wizard, if I can simply copy or archive folders Windows?
  OS Backup Wizard will allow you not only to make the copy Windows, using suitable you archiver, but will reduce the size of the following copies, in which will be added only new or changed files. Except this, possible shorten the size of copy, not backup copying files, existing in distribution Windows. For example, just installed Windows Millennium (size in 270 MB) occupy 16 MB (with use the archiver WinRar).

2. Questions about working with the program

At the end of the operation of restoring of backup copy Windows OS Backup Wizard informs, that it is necessary to make reboot of the computer/Windows. Is it necessary?
 At restoring backup copy not all files can at once be copied (for example system libraries), therefore it is necessary to make their overwriting (or deleting) at moment of reboot. Without reboot you will not have is normal working Windows.

As far as it is important to check change of file contents?
  If you did not bring in changes to files Windows and the programs did not start, which could change their contents, in most cases it is not necessary. But if you want to be sure, that the copy is restored on 100 % correctly, check an option "CRC32 checksum calculation" and do not check an option "Do not copy files, existing in previous copy".

As far as it is safe to use an option "Do not copy files, existing in previous copy"?
  If the option checked "CRC32 checksum calculation" and is not checked "Not copy files, existing in distribution Windows", that practically on 100 %.

As far as it is safe to use an option "Do not copy files, existing in distribution Windows"?
  If this options is checked, that comparison of files located in Windows, with files which are taking place in the distribution Windows, is produced on simplified scheme: files with coinciding name, size and date are considered identical, so possible creation to inexact copy. But this option allows considerably reducing a size of the first copy.

Why at restoring Windows operations "Restoration... in the temporary folder" can be skipped?
  This operation is skipped, if OS Backup Wizard can at once copy all files.

For what needs the All new element at a mark of files and folders?
  The All new element is necessary only at Express backup copying. It answers for archiving of all new folders and files, which in the future can appear in the given folder. If it is checked, the new folders and files will be added further in a backup copy, otherwise is not present.

Whether usage of net drives for storage of backup copies is possible?
  The backup copying on a net drive is possible, if it is connected as the usual disk Windows. The combination of path as "\\Computer\" is not allowed. Uses "Network Neighborhood".

What parameters of the program are saved in the profile?
  In profile is saved all parameters all tabs of making of backup copy.

For what in Backup Manager are displayed existing copies as tree?
  What copy for what is parent shows the tree.

Possible this program to make the copy Windows NT, 2000?
  Yes, it is possible. But it is impossible will use the files from distribution Windows and correct reconstruction possible only not in worker a folders Windows (then its necessary renamed). Making of backup copy necessary to produce with administrator rights.

In Backup Manager is displayed the size of restored files 100 MB, though a size of a copy only 5 MB. How is it possible?

One of two variants is possible:
à) You have made a backup copy Windows, installed recently, having used at creation an option "Not copy files, existing in distribution Windows". Therefore of files absent in the distribution few and size of copy small.
b) Copy is created on base previous so there were skipped files under backup copying, which already there were in previous copies.

Why profile option "Adding the date to the copy name" is always checked?
  It is necessary, that the name of the following copy always formed automatically.

Why at restoring the unpacking of Windows (Program Files) folder from archive is executed some times?
  There is the process of restoring at first of parent copies, and then main.

What does an option "CRC checksum calculation" at backup copying does?
  It is used for tracing the changed files.

What do an options "Use of quick restoration of backup copy" and "Checking the checksum of files" at restoring mean?
  If they are used, the process of restoring Windows is accelerated, since refusal of unpacking not changed files. If at making of backup copy was not used the calculation of the checksum, at unpacking the option "Checking the checksum of files" is not used. If the first option is not checked, that unpacks all files.

For that answers the option "Removal of not used files" at restoring?
  If it is checked, all new files in restored folders are deleted which did not enter into the initial copy, except for folders for which the backup copy did not form.

If you have not found the answer to the question, set it to us by feedback page and we shall try to publish the answer in the near future.
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